Mejores podcast para aprender ingles gratis

Hola, te presento esta increible colección de mejores podcast para aprender ingles gratis. Algunos son discursos cortos, otros resumenes de libros, y otros son clases de inglés cortas, así como otros más seleccionados por su pronunciación, mensaje y relevancia.

Está comprobado que para llegar a dominar el inglés, es necesario aumentar la exposición al mismo, sin que eso implique dedicar mucho tiempio a actividades específicas, por eso esta colección de podcast te presenta audios breves que puedes escuchar en diferentes momentos del día, sin recargarte de tareas y así aumentar tu exposición al idioma.

Y entonces, ¿cómo vas a usarlo? Escuchalos con atención, la primera vez, preguntate ¿cuál es el mensaje general?, luego escúchalo de nuevo y preguntate:  ¿qué puntos específicos menciona relacionados a la idea general? ¿qué palabras que no conozco menciona?

Si inicialmente no entiendes mucho, no importa, sigue escuchando para que tu mente se acostumbre al idioma y posteriormente puedas comprender. Recuerda, el aprendizaje es acumulativo.

Sin más, empieza a escuchar, disfruta los audios, realiza la dinámica indicada y se paciente, poco a poco notarás cómo mejora tu comp´rensión del audio en inglés.

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In her audiobook, The Path Made Clear, Oprah shares what she sees as a guide for activating your deepest vision of yourself, offering the framework for creating not just a life of success, but one of significance. 

The book’s 10 chapters are organized to help you recognize the important milestones along the road to self-discovery, laying out what you really need in order to achieve personal contentment, and what life’s detours are there to teach us. Oprah opens each chapter by sharing her own key lessons and the personal stories that helped set the course for her best life. She then brings together wisdom and insights from luminaries in a wide array of fields, inspiring readers to consider what they’re meant to do in the world and how to pursue it with passion and focus. 

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What happens when all the motivation in the world won’t do anything? It’s something Arnold hears all the time. It’s not that people don’t want to change; it’s that the ability to get started — sometimes, literally getting out of bed — can feel like a challenge. If you’re stuck or have moments where you feel like you’re not making the most of your days, this episode is for you. Arnold shares his advice for overcoming those barriers, the main takeaways from a study about overcoming morning grogginess,  and the workout of the week.

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Based on author Carmine Gallo’s career as a Fortune 500 communications coach and Emmy Award-winning television journalist, 10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Communicators has been updated and revised to show business people how to achieve their personal and professional goals by mastering the 10 simple secrets used by the world’s greatest business communicators. The book offers techniques and proven tips that explain how these successful communicators connect with audiences who demand passion, inspiration, preparation, clarity, brevity, command presence, and simplicity, all delivered in a visually compelling package.

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When it comes to health, there is one criminally overlooked element: sleep. Good sleep helps you shed fat for good, stave off disease, stay productive, and improve virtually every function of your mind and body. Through better sleep and optimized nutrition, you will not only healed your body but also achieved fitness and business goals he never thought possible. 

In Sleep Smarter, the author shares easy tips and tricks to discover the best sleep and best health of your life. With his 21 tips Sleep Makeover, you’ll learn how to create the ideal sleep sanctuary, how to hack sunlight to regulate your circadian rhythms, which clinically proven sleep nutrients and supplements you need, and stress-reduction exercises and fitness tips to keep you mentally and physically sharp.

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Rao shows you that it isn’t the negative thing that happens to you that causes your unhappiness, it’s how you see it. Happiness at Work is a thought-provoking title that moves the mind away from negativity and forces you to resist labeling situations as “bad,” but rather see them as neutral.

Happiness at Work provides:

  • Surprising ways of looking at change and problem-solving
  • Exercises that shift one’s perspective

Learn the vital wisdom necessary to achieving a joyful, successful life as you define it through greater resilience and a strong inner core.

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– The most essential words, phrases, expressions, idioms, and phrasal verbs that English learners really need to know
– Ideal for learners at all stages, from beginner to advanced, and experienced English speakers looking for a reminder of key language points and vocabulary.
– Supporting illustrations make new language easy to remember, and context sentences aid understanding of idioms, phrasal verbs, and longer expressions.
– Each word and expression is paired with audio and practice exercises, offering a “3D” view of the English language.

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We all know that sleep is important. But, did you know that your nighttime routine could give you a higher likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease? Arnold explains what you can do to help fine-tune your sleep schedule. He also shares the latest on collagen protein, and why your morning cup of coffee could help you live 15 percent longer.

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In English, we call Germany “Germany”; in German, it is “Deutschland”; in Japanese it is “Doitsu”; in French it is “Allemagne.” Today I want to look at why countries have different names in different languages!

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Ever take medicine after an injury or a challenging workout that leaves you too sore? You’re not alone, but you might slow your recovery and ensure the pain lasts longer. On this episode of Arnold’s Pump Club, you’ll learn how to perfectly time over-the-counter medications. You’ll hear from a member of the village about how empathy changed his life. And you’ll receive a 5-minute recipe that makes it easier to be healthy when you’re on the go during breakfast or lunch.

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Today, it’s easier than ever to connect with another person. Thanks to social media apps like Facebook, we have opened ourselves up to become available at all hours of the day. While this makes people stay connected virtually, our modern lives are making us less connected as we no longer connect with physical people but simulations of them. And not only is technology providing us with an endless network of people, but it is also equipping us with robots who can do more than just take on mindless or dangerous tasks. Now, robots are providing humans with care and demanding that we care for them. In Alone Together, author Sherry Turkle explores the power of these new technologies and shares both sides of today’s digital culture. As you read, you’ll learn how robots can be therapeutic for the elderly, why being constantly connected leads to stress, and why people use virtual avatars to cope with the stresses of life.

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Everyone knows that eating more vegetables and fruits is healthy. The hard part is figuring out how to build that habit. The surprising answer might be hiding in your workout. On this episode, Arnold shares a phenomenon that can help you eat better, answers questions about avoiding burnout, and provides a challenge you’ll want to try.

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We all want to do something that matters. We all hope that our lives will leave a positive impact on the world. Unfortunately, however, we often get stuck along the way, overwhelmed by the weight of our own fears or the grind of everyday life. That’s why author and entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie has crafted this guide for building a business that matters. Following his business model– which donates products to a person in need for every product purchased– you’ll learn how you too can start something that matters.

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Arnold loves showing they are stronger than they think. In this episode, Arnold shares a story about breaking expectations in his 70s, and connects it to lessons he learned under the bar during the Golden Age of bodybuilding. Also, you’ll learn why “biological aging” test are not what they appear, how to cut your risk of cardiovascular disease by 96 percent, and receive a new workout challenge.

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How can you make yourself smarter? Do you simply read more books? Learn a new language? Pick up a new instrument? Improving your intelligence has long been thought of as bogus among the scientific community. In other words, you are stuck with what you’re born with. This idea, however, is changing. Psychologists have long been trying to prove how various brain-training techniques can improve your intelligence. Unfortunately, measuring intelligence is a tricky business. But author Dan Hurley has done the research and is here to provide you with the many techniques proven to make you smarter. As you read, you’ll learn why improving intelligence is such a controversial topic, which type of physical exercise will make you smarter, and how playing games can boost your memory and attention.

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